100 Things Browns Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

100 Things Browns Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

B. inggris Writing
Task 1 - Are these sentences true or false?
1. Mount Everest in Nepal is highest than Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa,
2. January is coldest than March.
3. Indonesia is largest than Singapore, 4. A horse is the most intelligent than a donkey.
5. Jakarta is more crowded than Yogyakarta.
6. Tomato soup is more delicious mushroom soup.
7. What is the most dangerous animal in the world?
8. A holiday by the sea is as good as than a holiday in the mountains.
9. Take the shorter of the two routes.
10. The weather this summer is even bad than last summer.

pliss kak bantuin
terima kasih​

Task 1 - Are these sentences true or false?
1. Mount Everest in Nepal is highest than Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa,
2. January is coldest than March.
3. Indonesia is largest than Singapore, 4. A horse is the most intelligent than a donkey.
5. Jakarta is more crowded than Yogyakarta.
6. Tomato soup is more delicious mushroom soup.
7. What is the most dangerous animal in the world?
8. A holiday by the sea is as good as than a holiday in the mountains.
9. Take the shorter of the two routes.
10. The weather this summer is even bad than last summer.

pliss kak bantuin
terima kasih​


1. False — di bagian "highest" harusnya higher

2. False — di bagian "coldest" harusnya colder

3. False — di bagian "largest" harusnya larger

4. False — di bagian "most intelligent" harusnya more intelligent

5. True

6. True

7. True

8. False — di bagian "as good as than" harusnya than dihilangkan

9. False — di bagian "shorter" harusnya shortest

10. False — di bagian "bad" harusnya worse


Ini merupakan materi degree of comparison (perbandingan). Ada 3 tipe yaitu:

1. Positive degree

→ Merupakan perbandingan antara 2 buah subjek yang sejajar, biasanya ditandai dengan "... as (adjective/adverb) as ..."

2. Comparative

→ Merupakan perbandingan antara 2 buah subjek yang menyatakan "lebih ...", biasanya ditandai dengan "... than ..." dan regular adjective/adverb-nya berakhiran -er

3. Superlative

→ Merupakan perbandingan subjek yang menyatakan "paling ...", biasanya regular adjective/adverb-nya berakhiran -est
